User notes
In TBCB 2.5 a second memo area has been added to the fighter
biography tab. The memo area to the left titled Biography
is carried with the fighter file from the data pool but you may
edit it in any way that you wish. The memo area to the right titled
Notes is for your own notes, messages, comments or what ever you wish. You can place a note on the fighter biography tab by left-clicking once on the Note memo field as shown below. Notepad
will pop up and you can type anything you wish as a personal
note. This is a good place to enter details about your universe,
observations about a fighter or just about anything else. Once your note
is entered, save the note pad file (the game will place it in the
correct folder automatically) and close notepad. Your Note
will not appear on the biography tab until you exit the fighter
card and then go back into the biography tab.