Using Groups
With TBCB 2.0, you were limited to assigning two groups per
fighter. In TBCB 2.5 the number of groups that a fighter can be assigned
to is unlimited. The possibilities for universe configurations are
nearly limitless as a result. You could choose to group fighters
by skill level, era, nationality, geography or virtually anything that
you may wish. In this example we will walk through the process of
setting groups up, assigning them to fighters and looking at rankings
that slice up your universe into unique sections. This sample universe consists of all the heavyweights in the database with careers that began between 1920 and 1950. To
begin with, we will set up some organizations that will issue rankings
and distributing title belts. At the main universe screen, click the
Organization button. 
Next, click the New button to begin creating the desired organizations. 
we'll create the New York State Athletic Commission; they were in the
business of crowning world champions for a good many years. 
Save and keep adding organizations to your hearts content. A few more
have been added below and you can add as many as you like. 
next step is to add your groups. This is done in exactly the same
fashion as the organizations only you click the Groups button at the
main screen rather than the Organization button as shown above. The
Groups are sets of fighters that the organizations will consider for
ranking. You can make the groups as detailed as you like. For
simplicity, the groups used here were given identical names to the
organizations shown above. 
next step is to apply these groups to your fighters. The first
group that we'll assign is NYSAC as they will be the world sanctioning
body and all fighters will be past of the group. From the fighter selection screen, click the Select All button as shown below. 
This will place a check in the box to the left of all fighters. 
mouse over the right side menu bar and select Mass Edit. Check "Add
this Group to Selected Fighters" and select the desired group from the
drop down box as shown (NYSAC in this case). Click OK and everyone in
the universe will be in the NYSAC group. 
We'll assign fighters to the Commonwealth group. Begin by
hand-selecting all the fighters from Commonwealth countries to the left.
When all desired are selected, go back to the mass edit box and select
the group for this batch as shown below. The fighters worked on this
time now each belong to two groups, NYSAC and Commonwealth. 
repeating this procedure for all the groups that you want to maintain,
each fighter will eventually belong to all relevant groups. A look
at Tommy Farr's fighter card at the end of this process shows that he
is part of the NYSAC, Commonwealth, European, BBBofC British and BBBofC
Welsh Area groups. A total of five groups have been assigned here
but there is no limit to the number that you can assign. 
running off a few thousand fights over a number of year's let's see how
the rankings look and how these groups help us to slice up our boxing
universe. To call up rankings, click on the Organization button as shown below. 
Next, highlight the desired organization and click on the Rankings tab as shown below. 
Once at the Ranking screen, select the group from the drop down filter list. 
doing this for each Organization, we can pull all of the following
rankings from the same universe history. You will note that a number of
fighters appear in multiple ranking lists due to the ability to assign
them to an unlimited number of groups. First up, the BBBofC
British rankings with Jack Gardner as the champ. Welsh title holder
Tommy Farr has had a tough go but manages to surface on these rankings. 
Larry Gains tops the Commonwealth heavyweights and you can see fighters
from a number of Commonwealth countries falling in behind him. 
Max Schmeling leads the way in Europe and the ubiquitous Tommy Farr pops up again. 
Arturo Godoy leads a small pack of ranking heavies from South America. 
finally, the NYSAC world rankings. No champion has been crowned
at this juncture but there are a number of familiar names waiting for
the opportunity. 